Course curriculum

  • 1
    Why Decision Making is Hard
    • Introduction to the Course
    • Reading: Decision Making Journal
    • Making Better Decisions - An Introduction
    • Mathematical Thinking in Decision Making
    • The Brain on Decisions
    • Everyday Decisions
    • The VUCA World
    • Decisive (Chip & Dan Heath)
    • Case Study - The Monty Hall Problem
    • Case Study - The Monty Hall Problem Analysis
    • Quiz
  • 2
    Data in Decision Making
    • Case 1: The Art of Data (and War) - Armoring Planes for Additional Safety
    • How Algorithms can help
    • But Algorithms Aren’t the Panacea
    • Readings: Thinking Fast & Slow (Daniel Kahneman)
    • Simpson's Paradox and Significance of Business Intuition
    • Bringing Data to Intuition and Vice Versa
    • Quiz
  • 3
    Group Decision Making - Perceptions, Prejudices and Biases
    • 12 Angry Men - Exploring Human Nature
    • Reading: 12 Angry Men - The Movie
    • 12 Angry Men - Unpacking the Case
    • 12 Angry Men - The Challenge of Dissenting Voices
    • 12 Angry Men - Confirmation Bias and the Complexities
    • 12 Angry Men - Ten Decision-Making Lessons (Part A)
    • 12 Angry Men - Ten Decision-Making Lessons (Part B)
    • Quiz
  • 4
    Group Decision Making - Role of Context, Hierarchy and Emotional Dynamics
    • Challenger Launch Case - A Tragic Beginning
    • Challenger Launch Case - Analyzing the Data
    • Challenger Launch Case - Resulting vs. Decision Quality
    • Challenger Launch Case - Uncovering Critical Data
    • Challenger Launch Case - Normalization of Deviant Behavior
    • Quiz
    • Context and Decision Environments: Challenger Launch Case vs. 12 Angry Men
    • Advocacy vs. Inquiry: Shaping Decision-Making
    • Type One and Type Two Decisions
    • Organizational Decision Making - Assumptions and Myths
    • Building a Decision-Making Framework
    • Conclusion
    • Reading: Case Study - The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
    • Quiz

Human Decision Making and Its Biases

Perceptions, prejudices, and biases greatly impact human decision-making. These factors influence how we interpret information and can lead to errors in judgment. When presented with data, humans tend to selectively process it based on their existing beliefs, resulting in biased decision-making. Overcoming these challenges is essential for making better decisions. By recognizing the need for assistance and utilizing tools to mitigate biases, individuals can improve their decision-making abilities and make more informed choices.

Who Should Enroll:

  • Curious Learners: Those who want to learn and explore fallacies in decision-making

  • Professionals: Those who wish to broaden their decision-making skills

  • Aspiring Students: Those who are aiming to embark on a data science journey.

Key Takeaways from the Human Decision Making and its Biases course

  • Explain how humans behave when given data to calculate results

  • Illustrate that human decision-making is challenging and humans need help to make better decisions

  • Demonstrate how perceptions, prejudices and biases affect human decision making

  • Summarize how humans can collaborate effectively with AI, overcoming their biases

What do I need to start the Human Decision Making and Its Biases?

  • A working laptop/desktop and an internet connection

  • Curiosity filled mindset to learn