Course curriculum
Course Introduction
- Course Syllabus
- Reading: The Future of Work With GenAI
- Challenges of GenAI Implementation and Adoption
- What is Generative AI
- Why to Think About GenAI
- Generative AI and Businesses
Generative AI - The New Electricity
- Generative AI - The Endless Possibilities
- Is GenAI Reliable and Efficient
- GenAI - The Risk it Brings for Businesses
- Key Considerations While Thinking GenAI
- Thinking GenAI – What is Your Winning Aspiration
- Where Would you Play
- How to Set Up for Success
- Reading: Limitations of GenAI - Current State
- Reading: Determining the Best fit model
- Quiz
Enterprising Generative AI
- Learning From the Leaders
- Setting up a Robust Ops Model
- Ops Model in Action
- Reading: Some additional considerations for adopting GenAI
- Reading: Data Governance and Generative AI
- Understanding Gen AI Adoption
- Quiz
- Expert Talks: The Story of a Chatbot
Drive to succeed
- Establishing a Robust Ops Model
- A Robust framework for integrating GenAI
- Value measurement systems for Enterprise
- Value measurement systems for Users
- Navigating Ethical waters
- Readings: Responsible AI framework
- Reading: CEO handbook
- Reading: AI Regulations and Considerations
- Quiz
All you need to know
- How does GenAI work
- Reading: Some core concepts
- How does AI learn
- Generative AI Models
- Reading: Data Architecture
- LLM-Ops
- Quiz