A Friendly Introduction to Machine Learning for Data Scientists and Managers

You’ve picked the right field - machine learning is all the rage around the world right now. From industries to functions, machine learning is transforming the way we work, the way we deal with other people, and even our daily lives.

And it gets better - the interest in machine learning is only going to go up in the foreseeable future. As more and more organizations integrate machine learning solutions into their strategic planning, more roles and jobs are opening up for aspiring data science professionals.

And roles not just for newcomers, but for intermediate transitioners and manager/executive-level folks as well. What a great time to learn about machine learning so you can start using it for your professional growth!

This ebook is designed to help all aspiring data scientists, professionals and managers with a taste and zeal for learning all about this field!

What’s Included in the What is Machine Learning EBook?

This book covers a broad range of topics in machine learning, including:

  • What is Machine Learning?

  • Applications of Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning vs. Automation

  • Tools used in Machine Learning

  • The kind of Problems and Projects you can solve using Machine Learning

  • Steps involved in Building a Machine Learning Model

  • How to Build a Career in Machine Learning

  • And a whole host of other ML topics!

Who Should Read the Machine Learning Simplified Book?

This book is for anyone who wants to:

  • Get started with Machine Learning

  • Pick up a new skill that's in demand

  • Understand the different aspects and nuances of machine learning

  • Brush up on their previous machine learning knowledge

  • Master machine learning!

  • So whether you’re a fresher, an intermediate transitioner or a manager/executive, this book is for you!

Should you Know Any Machine Learning Before Picking up this Book?

Absolutely not! This book has been written in a way that caters to complete beginners, regardless of your background or level. We use real-world analogies and examples to help you understand the power of machine learning, the different aspects of this field and how it works. Prepare to be amazed!

Author of the Book

  • Kunal Jain

    Founder & CEO

    Kunal Jain

    Kunal is the Founder of Analytics Vidhya. Analytics Vidhya is one of largest Data Science community across the globe. Kunal is a data science evangelist and has a passion for teaching practical machine learning and data science. Before starting Analytics Vidhya, Kunal had worked in Analytics and Data Science for more than 12 years across various geographies and companies like Capital One and Aviva Life Insurance. He has worked with several clients and helped them build their data science capabilities from scratch.