Data Science Immersive Bootcamp Program - Flex

Welcome to the Data Science Immersive Bootcamp Program - a job guaranteed training program. You will get access to learning modules in this course along with all the other features such as on-demand 1:1 mentorship, weekly doubt clearing sessions and placement services.

Highlights of the Program

  • 100% Job Guarantee*

  • Learning Modules with flexible learning

  • On Demand 1:1 Mentorships with Industry Practitioners

  • 12+ Tools

  • 20+ Projects

  • * For 100% Job Guarantee Terms and Conditions click here

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Bootcamp Weekly Doubt Clearing Session
    • Week 1 - Bootcamp Weekly Doubt Clearing Session_31_Dec_22
    • Week 2 - Bootcamp Weekly Doubt Clearing Session_07_Jan_23
    • Week 3 - Bootcamp Doubt Clearing Session_14_Jan23
    • Week 4 - Bootcamp Doubt Clearing Session_21_Jan23
    • Week 5 - Bootcamp Doubt Clearing Session Batch 2_28_Jan23
    • Week 6 - Bootcamp Doubt Clearing Session Batch 2_04_Feb_23
    • Week 7 - Bootcamp Doubt Clearing Session Batch 2_18_Feb_23
    • Week 8 - Bootcamp Doubt Clearing Session Batch 2_25_Feb_23 - Part 1
    • Week 8 - Bootcamp Doubt Clearing Session Batch 2_25_Feb_23 - Part 2
    • Week 9 - Bootcamp Doubt Clearing Session Batch 2_04_Mar_23
    • Week 10 - Bootcamp Doubt Clearing Session Batch 2_11_Mar_23
  • 2
    Live Sessions
    • 1. Session on PowerBI_11_Feb_23
    • 2. Power BI Session_12_Feb_23
  • 3
    Welcome To Bootcamp
    • Bootcamp Vision and Ideology
    • Introduction to Bootcamp Flex
    • How will your journey look like?
    • Job Guarantee and Placement Services
  • 4
    Week 1 - Excel
    • Introduction FREE PREVIEW
    • Course Overview FREE PREVIEW
    • Excel Installation FREE PREVIEW
    • Practice Datasets
    • Excel Interface
    • Keyboard shortcuts
    • Setting Printing Area
    • Excel Basics Exercise
    • Excel Bonus
    • Excel Basic Formatting
    • Basic Formating Exercise
    • Select, Cut, Copy, Paste
    • Autofill, Find and Search
    • Insert & Delete
    • Auto Fill Exercise
    • Sheet Operations
    • Sheet Operations Exercise
    • Getting Started with Excel Formulas
    • Referencing
    • Referencing Exercise
    • Paste Special & Format Painter
    • Copy Paste function Exercise
    • DateTime Function
    • Date Time Exercise
    • Left,Right,Mid,Len,Concatenate
    • Find & Search
    • Find & Search Exercise
    • Replace & Substitute
    • Text and Value
    • Sum, Product, Mod, Sqrt, Fact
    • Round, RoundUp, Rounddown, SumIFS
    • MAXIFS
    • MINIFS
    • Mathematical Function Exercise
    • Present Value and Future Value
    • NPV and IRR
    • Financial Functions in Excel
    • Financial Function Exercise
    • Vlookup and Hlookup
    • Match
    • Index
    • Lookup Funciton Exercise
    • IFS
    • Logical Function Exercise
    • Hide & Unhide
    • Weekly Doubt Clearing Session
  • 5
    Week 2 - Excel
    • Week-2: Introduction
    • Count, Counta, Countblank, Countifs
    • Mean, Median, Mode, Std, Rank, Quartiles, Corr
    • Statistical Function Exercise
    • Sort
    • Filter
    • Sort Fillter Exercise
    • Advanced Filter
    • Filter With One Condition
    • Filter with AND and OR operators
    • Advance Filter Exercise
    • Pivot Table I
    • Pivot Table II
    • Hide and Show Grand Totals
    • Sorting Rows and Columns
    • Calculated Fields
    • Auto Width Disable
    • Difference From Previous Value
    • Make Pivot Tables Dynamic
    • Slicers
    • Timeline Slicer
    • Pivot Table Exercise
    • Getting Started with Excel Charts
    • Components of Charts
    • How to Create a Chart
    • Column Chart in Excel
    • Bar Chart in Excel
    • Line Chart in Excel
    • Area Chart in Excel
    • Pie Chart in Excel
    • Scatter Chart in Excel
    • Data Visualisation Exercise
    • Bubble Chart in Excel
    • Dual Axis Chart in Excel
    • How to Choose Charts
    • Sparklines in Excel
    • Waterfall Chart in Excel
    • Advance Charts Exercise
    • Highlight Cells Rules
    • Top-Bottom Rules, Multiple Cells And Heatmaps
    • Duplicate and Unique Values
    • Unique Function
    • Unique with Filter
    • Case Sensitivity of Unique Function
    • Unique With All Parameters
    • What Is Spill
    • Goal-Seek and Solver
    • Scenario Manager
    • Data Tables
    • What IF Exercise
    • Data Validation
    • Data Validation Exercise
    • Protecting Cell, Sheet, Workbook
    • Data Validation II Exercise
    • Hyperlink
    • Hyperlink Exercise
    • Text to Column
    • Excel vs. Google Sheets
    • Understanding the Problem Statement
    • Simulation Sample Sheet
    • A Look at the Data
    • Formulating the Framework - Business Understanding
    • Breaking Down the Framework
    • Yearly Business Prediction
    • Pre-Requisite for the Next Lesson
    • Month-Wise Business Forecast
    • Adding Flexibility to our Simulation
    • Performing Simulation in Excel!
    • Simulation Assignment
    • Weekly Doubt Clearing Session
  • 6
    Week 3 - Power BI
    • Introduction to the course
    • Course Handout
    • What is Business Intelligence?
    • Components of BI
    • Quiz: Business Intelligence
    • What is Power BI?
    • Installation of Power BI
    • Introduction to Power BI Interface
    • Understanding the problem statement
    • Importing Data in Power BI
    • Data View and Formatting the Columns
    • Building your first Power BI Report
    • Chart Formatting and Other Visuals
    • Uploading Reports to Power BI Service
    • Quiz: Power BI Basics
    • What is Data Modeling?
    • Relationships and Cardinality
    • Creating Calculated Columns
    • Building Reports with Multiple Tables
    • Introduction to Measures
    • Creating our first Measure
    • Using Measures to perform row-by-row operations
    • CALCULATE Function to create Measures
    • Time Intelligence Functions
    • Creating Reports with Measures
    • Quiz: DAX
    • Filters in Power BI Reports
    • Hierarchy and Drill modes
    • Quiz: Filter and Slicers
    • Introduction to Parameters
    • Parameters in Power BI
    • Data Storytelling
    • Shapes and Buttons
    • Managing Roles and RLS
    • Power BI Gateway for Data Refresh
  • 7
    Week 4 - Power BI
    • Introduction to Power Query
    • Cleaning Data with Power Query - Part I
    • Cleaning Data with Power Query - Part II
    • Case Study 1 - Using Power Query to Manipulate Data
    • Case Study 2 - Transpose, Pivot and Unpivot
    • Case Study 3 - Split Column
    • Grouping
    • Forecasting
    • Use of Scatter Plot
    • How to choose Correct Visuals
    • Drill through
    • Conditional Formatting
    • Report Creation
    • Basics of Power BI Cloud
    • Are my top 5 customers profitable?
    • West vs East
    • Same Period Last Year Analysis
    • Assessment (Project)
    • Capstone Project
  • 8
    Week 5 - SQL
    • Course Overview
    • Course Handout
    • Week-5: Introduction
    • Why do we need databases
    • What is a database
    • Some properties of a good Database
    • Types of Databases
    • How data is Stored in Relational Databases
    • ACID Properties of Relational Databases
    • Companies using MySQL
    • Quiz - Introduction to Databases
    • Architecture - Client and Server
    • MySQL Distributions
    • Local Installation on Mac
    • Local Installation on Linux
    • Local Installation on Windows
    • Quiz - Installing MySQL
    • Getting Started with SQL
    • What is SQL
    • Connecting to MySQL on Windows
    • Connecting to MySQL on Linux
    • Connecting to MySQL on Mac
    • Exploring Databases
    • Creating a Table
    • Datatypes in MySQL
    • Describe Command
    • Describing Tables
    • Insert Command
    • Inserting Records
    • Retrieving Records
    • NULL vs NOT NULL
    • Dealing with NULL values
    • Quiz - Getting Started with SQL
    • Update Command
    • Updating Records
    • Delete Command
    • Deleting Records
    • Alter Command
    • Altering Table Structure
    • Drop Table
    • Dropping Table
    • Quiz - Modifying Table Structure
    • Importing data from CSV to MySQL
    • Counting Records
    • Aggregation Functions
    • Extreme Values Identification
    • Quiz - Basic Querying 1
    • Slicing Data
    • Limiting Data
    • Sorting Data
    • Quiz - Basic Querying 2
    • Pattern Matching
    • Quiz - Basic Querying 3
    • Grouping Records
    • Filtering in Groups
    • Quiz - Basic Querying 4
    • Exporting data from MySQL to CSV
    • Backing up Databases
    • Restoring Databases
    • Importing and Exporting Datasets Troubleshooting Guide
    • Quiz - Importing and Exporting data in MySQL
    • Description Analytics of FIFA 19 Players
    • Data Eyeballing
    • Data Dictionary
    • Questions we need answers of
    • Loading data to our MySQL table
    • Data Analysis – Simple Queries
    • Data Analysis – Advanced Queries
    • FIFA19 Players Dataset
    • String Concatenation
    • String Case Conversion
    • Trimming Strings
    • Extracting Substrings
    • Understanding RegEx
    • Matching String patterns with RegEx
    • Current Date and Time
    • Extracting Date and Time
    • Formatting Date and Time as Strings
    • Numeric functions
    • Conditional Flow
    • Writing Conditional Statements
    • SQL CheatSheet
    • Quiz - MySQL built-in functions
    • Why we need Subqueries
    • Analyzing data and creating table structure
    • What are Subqueries
    • Types of Subqueries
    • Implementing Subquery
    • Quiz - Subqueries
    • Weekly Doubt Clearing Session
  • 9
    Week 6 - SQL
    • Week-6: Introduction
    • What are Constraints
    • Domain Constraint
    • NOT NULL Constraint
    • DEFAULT Constraint
    • Adding NOT NULL and DEFAULT Constraints
    • UNIQUE Constraint
    • CHECK Constraint
    • Adding UNIQUE and CHECK Constraints
    • Key Constraint
    • Implementing KEYS in SQL
    • Quiz - Constraints in SQL
    • Working with multiple tables
    • What is Foreign Key
    • Types of Relationships
    • Quiz - Working with Multiple Tables
    • Movie TIcket Project Dataset
    • Joins Overview
    • Inner Join
    • Implementing Inner Join
    • Left Join
    • Implementing Left Join
    • Right Join
    • Implementing Right Join
    • UNION Clause
    • Full Outer Join
    • Implementing Full Outer Join
    • Cross Join
    • Implementing Cross Join
    • Self Join
    • Implementing Self Join
    • Multiple Tables with Sub-queries
    • Quiz - Joins
    • Assignment
  • 10
    Week 7 - Python
    • Overview of Machine Learning / Data Science FREE PREVIEW
    • Common Terminology used in Data Science FREE PREVIEW
    • Applications of Data Science FREE PREVIEW
    • Installation steps for Windows
    • Installation steps for Linux
    • Installation steps for Mac
    • Introduction to Python
    • Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
    • Download Python Module Handouts
    • Introduction to Variables
    • Implementing Variables in Python
    • Quiz: Operators
    • Introduction to Conditional Statements
    • Implementing Conditional Statements in Python
    • Quiz: Conditional Statements
    • Introduction to Looping Constructs
    • Implementing Loops in Python
    • Quiz: Loops in Python
    • Break, Continue and Pass Statements
    • Introduction to Data Structures
    • List and Tuple
    • Implementing List in Python
    • Quiz: Lists
    • List - Project in Python
    • Implementing Tuple in Python
    • Quiz: Tuple
    • Introduction to Sets
    • Implementing Sets in Python
    • Quiz: Sets
    • Introduction to Dictionary
    • Implementing Dictionary in Python
    • Quiz: Dictionary
    • Assignment: Data Structures
    • Introduction to String Manipulation
    • Quiz: String Manipulation
    • Introduction to Functions
    • Implementing Functions in Python
    • Quiz: Functions in Python
    • Lambda Expression
    • Quiz: Lambda Expressions
    • Recursion
    • Implementing Recursion in Python
    • Quiz: Recursion
    • Introduction to Modules
    • Modules: Intuition
    • Introduction to Packages
    • Standard Libraries in Python
    • User Defined Libraries in Python
    • Quiz: Modules, Packages and Standard Libraries
  • 11
    Week 8 - Python
    • Handling Text Files in Python
    • Quiz: Handling Text Files
    • Important Libraries for Data Science
    • Quiz: Important Libraries for Data Science
    • Basics of Numpy in Python
    • Basics of Scipy in Python
    • Quiz: Numpy and Scipy
    • Basics of Pandas in Python
    • Quiz: Pandas
    • Basics of Matplotlib in Python
    • Basics of Scikit-Learn in Python
    • Basics of Statsmodels in Python
    • Reading Data in Python
    • Reading CSV files in Python
    • Reading Big CSV Files in Python
    • Quiz: Reading CSV files in Python
    • Reading Excel & Spreadsheet files in Python
    • Quiz: Reading Excel & Spreadsheet files in Python
    • Reading JSON files in Python
    • Quiz: Reading JSON files in Python
    • Assignment: Reading Data Files in Python
    • Subsetting and Modifying Data in Python
    • Overview of Subsetting in Pandas I
    • Overview of Subsetting in Pandas II
    • Subsetting based on Position
    • Subsetting based on Label
    • Subsetting based on Value
    • Quiz: Subsetting Dataframes
    • Modifying data in Pandas
    • Quiz: Modifying Dataframes
    • Assignment: Subsetting and Modifying Pandas Dataframes
    • Preprocessing, Sorting and Aggregating Data
    • Sorting the Dataframe
    • Quiz: Sorting Dataframes
    • Concatenating Dataframes in Pandas
    • Concept of SQL-Like Joins in Pandas
    • Implementing SQL-Like Joins in Pandas
    • Quiz: Joins in Pandas
    • Aggregating and Summarizing Dataframes
    • Preprocessing Timeseries Data
    • Quiz: Preprocessing Timeseries Data
    • Assignment: Sorting and Aggregating Data in Pandas
    • Visualizing Trends & Pattern in Data
    • Basics of Matplotlib
    • Data Visualization with Matplotlib
    • Quiz: Matplotlib
    • Basics of Seaborn
    • Data Visualization with Seaborn
    • Quiz: Seaborn
    • Assignment: Visualizing Patterns and Trends in Data
    • Assignment - EMI Calculator
  • 12
    Week 9 - Data Science Life Cycle & EDA
    • 6 Steps of Machine Learning Lifecycle
    • Introduction to Predictive Modeling
    • Defining the Problem statement
    • Introduction to Hypothesis Generation
    • Performing Hypothesis generation
    • Quiz - Performing Hypothesis generation
    • List of hypothesis
    • Data Collection/Extraction
    • Quiz - Data Collection/Extraction
    • Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis & Data Insights
    • Quiz - Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis & Data Insights
    • Role of Statistics in EDA
    • Descriptive Statistics
    • Inferential Statistics
    • Quiz - Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
    • Introduction to dataset
    • Quiz - Introduction to dataset
    • Reading data files into python
    • Quiz - Reading data files into python
    • Different Variable Datatypes
    • Variable Identification
    • Quiz - Variable Identification
    • Probability for Data Science
    • Quiz - Probability for Data Science
    • Basic Concepts of Probability
    • Quiz - Basic Concepts of Probability
    • Axioms of Probability
    • Quiz - Axioms of Probability
    • Conditional Probability
    • Quiz - Conditional Probability
    • Data range for continuous variables
    • Central Tendencies for continuous variables
    • Spread of the data
    • Central Tendencies and Spread of the data: Implementation
    • Quiz: Central Tendencies and Spread of data
    • KDE plots for continuous variable
    • KDE plots : Implementation
    • Overview of Distributions for Continuous Variables
    • Normal Distribution
    • Normality Check
    • Skewed Distribution
    • Skewness and Kurtosis
    • Distributions for continuous variable
    • Quiz: Distribution of Continuous variables
    • Approaching Univariate Analysis
    • Approaching Univariate Analysis: Numerical Variables
    • Quiz: Univariate analysis for Continuous variables
    • Central Tendencies for categorical variables
    • Understanding Discrete Distributions
    • Discrete Distributions Demonstration
    • Performing EDA on Catagorical Variables
    • Quiz: Univariate Analysis for Categorical Variables
  • 13
    Week 10 - EDA
    • Dealing with Missing values
    • Understanding Outliers
    • Identifying Outliers in data
    • Identifying Outliers in data: Implementation
    • Quiz: Identifying Outliers in datasets
    • Quiz: Outlier treatment
    • Important Terminologies
    • Central Limit Theorem
    • CLT: Implementation
    • Quiz: Central Limit Theorem
    • Confidence Interval and Margin of error
    • Introduction to Bivariate Analysis
    • Covariance
    • Pearson Correlation
    • Spearman's Correlation & Kendall's Tau
    • Correlation versus Causation
    • Tabular and Graphical Methods
    • Performing Hypothesis generation
    • Quiz: Continuous-Continuous Variables
    • Tabular and Graphical Methods
    • Introduction to hypothesis Testing
    • P-Value
    • One Sample z-test
    • Two Sampled z-test
    • Quiz: Hypothesis Testing and Z scores
    • T-Test
    • T-Test vs Z-Test
    • Quiz: T tests
    • Performing Bivariate Analysis on Catagorical - Continuous variables
    • Tabular and Graphical Methods
    • Chi-Squared Test
    • Quiz: Chi squared tests
    • Bivariate Analysis for Categorical Categorical Variables
    • Multivariate Analysis
    • Multivariate Analysis Implementation
    • Understanding the NYC Taxi Trip Duration Problem
    • Assignment: EDA
  • 14
    Week 11 - Basic ML
    • Introduction and Overview FREE PREVIEW
    • Quiz: Introduction and Overview FREE PREVIEW
    • Preparing the Dataset FREE PREVIEW
    • Quiz: Preparing the dataset FREE PREVIEW
    • Build a Benchmark Model: Regression FREE PREVIEW
    • Quiz: Build a Benchmark Model - Regression
    • Benchmark Model: Regression Implementation
    • Quiz: Benchmark Model - Regression Implementation
    • Build a Benchmark Model: Classification
    • Quiz: Build a Benchmark Model - Classification
    • Benchmark Model: Classification Implementation
    • Quiz: Benchmark - Classification Implementation
    • Introduction to Evaluation Metrics
    • Quiz: Introduction to Evaluation Metrics
    • Confusion Matrix
    • Quiz: Confusion Matrix
    • Accuracy
    • Quiz: Accuracy
    • Alternatives of Accuracy
    • Quiz: Alternatives of Accuracy
    • Precision and Recall
    • Quiz: Precision and Recall
    • Thresholding
    • Quiz: Thresholding
    • AUC-ROC
    • Quiz: AUC-ROC
    • Log loss
    • Quiz: Log loss
    • Evaluation Metrics for Regression
    • Quiz: Evaluation Metrics for Regression
    • R2 and Adjusted R2
    • Quiz: R2 and Adjusted R2
    • Dealing with Missing Values in the Data
    • Quiz: Dealing with missing values in the data
    • Replacing Missing Values
    • Quiz: Replacing Missing values
    • Imputing Missing Values in data
    • Quiz: Imputing Missing values in data
    • Working with Categorical Variables
    • Quiz: Working with categorical data
    • Working with Outliers
    • Quiz: Working with outliers
    • Preprocessing Data for Model Building
    • Introduction to k-Nearest Neighbours FREE PREVIEW
    • Quiz: Introduction to k-Nearest Neighbours FREE PREVIEW
    • Building a kNN model
    • Quiz: Building a kNN model
    • Determining right value of k
    • Quiz: Determining right value of k
    • How to calculate the distance
    • Quiz: How to calculate the distance
    • Issue with distance based algorithms
    • Quiz: Issue with distance based algorithms
    • Introduction to sklearn
    • Implementing k-Nearest Neighbours algorithm
    • Quiz: Implementing k-Nearest Neighbours algorithm
  • 15
    Week 12 - Basic ML
    • Introduction to Overfitting and Underfitting Models
    • Quiz: Introduction to Overfitting and Underfitting Models
    • Visualizing overfitting and underfitting using knn
    • Quiz: Visualizing overfitting and underfitting using knn
    • Selecting the Right Model
    • What is Validation?
    • Quiz: What is Validation
    • Understanding Hold-Out Validation
    • Quiz: Understanding Hold-Out Validation
    • Implementing Hold-Out Validation
    • Quiz: Implementing Hold-Out Validation
    • Understanding k-fold Cross Validation
    • Implementing k-fold Cross Validation
    • Quiz: Understanding k-fold Cross Validation
    • Quiz: Implementing k-fold Cross Validation
    • Bias Variance Tradeoff
    • Quiz: Bias Variance Tradeoff
    • Introduction to Linear Models
    • Quiz: Introduction to linear model
    • Understanding Cost function
    • Quiz: Understanding Cost function
    • Understanding Gradient descent (Intuition)
    • Maths behind gradient descent
    • Convexity of cost function
    • Quiz: Convexity of Cost function
    • Quiz: Gradient Descent
    • Assumptions of Linear Regression
    • Quiz: Assumptions of linear model
    • Implementing Linear Regression
    • Generalized Linear Models
    • Quiz: Generalized Linear Models
    • Introduction to Logistic Regression
    • Quiz: Introduction to logistic regression
    • Quiz: Logistic Regression
    • Odds Ratio
    • Implementing Logistic Regression
    • Multiclass using Logistic Regression
    • Quiz: Multi-Class Logistic Regression
    • Challenges with Linear Regression
    • Quiz: Challenges with Linear regression
    • Introduction to Regularisation
    • Quiz: Introduction to Regularization
    • Implementing Regularisation
    • Coefficient estimate for ridge and lasso (Optional)
    • Predicting whether a customer will churn or not
    • Introduction to Dimensionality Reduction
    • Quiz: Introduction to Dimensionality Reduction
    • Common Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
    • Quiz: Common Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
    • Missing Value Ratio
    • Missing Value Ratio Implementation
    • Quiz: Missing Value Ratio
    • Low Variance Filter
    • Low Variance Filter Implementation
    • Quiz: Low Variance Filter
    • High Correlation Filter
    • High Correlation Filter Implementation
    • Quiz: High Correlation Filter
    • Backward Feature Elimination
    • Backward Feature Elimination Implementation
    • Quiz: Backward Feature Elimination
    • Forward Feature Selection
    • Forward Feature Selection Implementation
    • Quiz: Forward Feature Selection
    • Introduction to Decision Trees
    • Quiz: Introduction to Decision Trees
    • Purity in Decision Trees
    • Quiz: Purity in Decision Trees
    • Terminologies Related to Decision Trees
    • Quiz: Terminologies Related to Decision Trees
    • How to Select the Best Split Point in Decision Trees
    • Quiz: How to Select the Best Split Point in Decision Trees
    • Chi-Square
    • Quiz: Chi-Square
    • Information Gain
    • Quiz: Information Gain
    • Reduction in Variance
    • Quiz: Reduction in Variance
    • Optimizing Performance of Decision Trees
    • Quiz: Optimizing Performance of Decision Trees
    • Decision Tree Implementation
    • Assignment: NYC taxi trip duration prediction
  • 16
    Week 13 - Advance ML
    • Introduction to Feature Engineering
    • Quiz: Introduction to feature engineering
    • Exercise on Feature Engineering
    • Overview of the module
    • Feature Transformation
    • Quiz: Feature Transformation
    • Feature Scaling
    • Quiz: Feature Scaling
    • Feature Encoding
    • Quiz: Feature Encoding
    • Quiz: Combining Sparse classes
    • Feature Generation: Binning
    • Quiz: Feature Generation- Binning
    • Quiz: Feature Interaction
    • Generating Features: Missing Values
    • Feature Interaction
    • Frequency Encoding
    • Quiz: Frequency Encoding
    • Feature Engineering: Date Time Features
    • Implementing DateTime Features
    • Combining Sparse classes
    • Quiz: Implementing DateTime Features
    • Automated Feature Engineering : Feature Tools
    • Implementing Feature tools
    • Quiz: Implementing Feature Tools
    • Exploring the NYC dataset
    • Predicting the NYC taxi trip duration
    • Predicting the NYC taxi trip duration
    • Introduction to Text Feature Engineering
    • Quiz: Introduction to Text Feature Engineering
    • Create Basic Text Features
    • Quiz: Create Basic Text Features
    • Extract Information using Regular Expressions
    • Quiz: Extract Information using Regular Expressions
    • Learn to use Regular Expressions in Python
    • Quiz: Learn to use Regular Expressions in Python
    • Text Cleaning
    • Quiz: Text Cleaning
    • Quiz: Create Linguistic Features
    • Bag-of-Words
    • Quiz: Bag-of-Words
    • Text Pre-processing
    • Quiz: Text Pre-processing
    • TF-IDF Features
    • Quiz: TF-IDF Features
    • Word Embeddings
    • Create word2vec Features
    • Quiz: Word Embeddings
    • Create Linguistic Features
    • Introduction to Naive Bayes
    • Quiz: Introduction to Naive Bayes
    • Working of Naive Bayes
    • Conditional Probability and Bayes Theorem
    • Math Behind Naive Bayes
    • Quiz: Conditional Probability and Naive Bayes
    • Types of Naive Bayes
    • Quiz: Types of Naive Bayes
    • Implementing Naive Bayes
    • Understanding how to solve Multiclass and Multilabel Classification Problem
    • Quiz: Multiclass and Multilabel
    • Evaluation Metrics: Multi Class Classification
    • Quiz: Evaluation Metrics for Multi Class Classification
    • Understanding the Problem Statement
    • Understanding the Data
    • Building a Web Page Classifier
    • Introduction to Ensemble
    • Quiz: Introduction to Ensemble
    • Basic Ensemble Techniques
    • Quiz: Basic Ensemble Techniques
    • Implementing Basic Ensemble Techniques
    • Why Ensemble Models Work Well?
  • 17
    Week 14 - Advance ML
    • Introduction to Stacking
    • Implementing Stacking
    • Variants of Stacking
    • Implementing Variants of Stacking
    • Quiz: Variants of Stacking
    • Introduction to Blending
    • Implementation: Blending
    • Quiz: Introduction to Blending
    • Bootstrap Sampling
    • Quiz: Bootstrap Sampling
    • Introduction to Random Forest
    • Quiz: Introduction to Random Forest
    • Hyper-parameters of Random Forest
    • Quiz: Hyper-parameters of Random Forest
    • Implementing Random Forest
    • Quiz: Implementing Random forest
    • Introduction to boosting
    • Quiz: Introduction to Boosting
    • Gradient Boosting Algorithm (GBM)
    • Quiz: Gradient Boosting Algorithm
    • Math Behind GBM
    • Implementing GBM
    • Quiz: Implementing GBM
    • Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBM)
    • Implementing XGBM
    • Quiz: Implementing XGBM
    • Quiz: Extreme Gradient Boosting
    • Adaptive Boosting
    • Implementing Adaptive Boosting
    • Quiz: Adaptive Boosting
    • Predicting the NYC Taxi Trip Duration
    • Prediction the NYC Taxi Trip Duration: Dataset
    • Introduction to Hyperparameter Tuning
    • Different Hyperparameter Tuning methods
    • Quiz: Hyperparameter Tuning
    • Implementing different Hyperparameter Tuning methods
    • Quiz: Implementing different Hyperparameter tuning
    • Understanding SVM Algorithm
    • Quiz: Support Vector Machine
    • SVM Kernel Tricks
    • Kernels and Hyperparameters in SVM
    • Quiz: Kernels and Hyperparameters in SVM
    • Implementing Support Vector Machine
    • Quiz: Kernel Tricks
    • Introduction to Images
    • Understanding the Image data
    • Quiz: Understanding the Image Data
    • Understanding transformations on Images
    • Understanding Edge Features
    • Quiz: Understanding Edge Features
    • Histogram of Oriented Features (HOG)
    • Quiz: HOG
    • Quiz: Image Features
    • Understanding the Problem Statement
    • Detecting Malaria using Blood Cell Images
    • Dataset: Malaria Detection using Blood Cell Images
  • 18
    Week 15 - Advance ML
    • Introduction to Principal Component Analysis
    • Steps to perform Principal Component Analysis
    • Quiz: Principal Component Analysis
    • Computation of the Covariance Matrix
    • Quiz: Covariance Matrix
    • Finding the Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
    • Quiz: Finding eigenvectors and eigenvalues
    • Understanding the MNIST dataset
    • Quiz: Introduction to MNIST dataset
    • Implementing Principal Component Analysis
    • Quiz: Steps to perform PCA
    • Introduction to Factor Analysis
    • Steps to perform Factor Analysis
    • Quiz: Factor Analysis
    • Implementing Factor Analysis
    • Quiz: Implementing Factor Analysis
    • Introduction to Clustering
    • Quiz: Introduction to Clustering
    • Applications of Clustering
    • Quiz: Applications of clustering
    • Evaluation Metrics for Clustering
    • Quiz: Evaluation Metrics for Clustering
    • Understanding K-Means
    • K-Means from Scratch Implementation
    • Quiz: Understanding K-Means
    • Challenges with K-Means
    • Quiz: Challenges with K means clustering
    • How to Choose Right k-Value
    • Quiz: How to choose the right value of k
    • K-Means Implementation
    • Quiz: K-Means Implementation
    • Hierarchical Clustering
    • Implementation Hierarchical Clustering
    • Quiz: Hierarchical Clustering
    • How to Define Similarity between Clusters
    • Quiz: How to define similarity between two clusters
    • Advanced ML - Assignment
    • Capstone Project - ML
  • 19
    Week 16 - Advance Python & Software Engineering
    • Introduction to the Course
    • Course Handouts
    • Python Recap
    • Installation steps for Windows
    • Installation steps for Linux
    • Installation steps for Mac
    • Working in JupyterLab
    • Introduction to Good Programming Practices
    • Quiz: Introduction to GPP
    • Naming Conventions
    • Quiz: Naming Conventions
    • Commenting and Formatting
    • Quiz: Commenting and Formatting
    • Decomposition and Modularity
    • Quiz: Decomposition and Modularity
    • Code Formatting
    • Quiz: Code Formatting
    • Writing Docstrings
    • Quiz: Docstrings
    • What is testing?
    • Types of Bugs
    • Quiz: Types of Bugs
    • Setting up system for testing
    • Quiz: Setting up for Testing
    • Levels of testing
    • Quiz: Levels of testing
    • Testing Approaches
    • Quiz: Testing Approaches
    • Defensive Programming
    • Quiz: Defensive Programming
    • Python Typing
    • Quiz: Python Typing
    • Assertions
    • Quiz: Assertions
    • Exception Handling
    • Quiz: Exception Handling
    • Use Cases Exception Handling
    • Introduction to Standard Libraries
    • Quiz: Introduction to Python Standard Libraries
    • Itertools Library
    • Quiz: Itertools
    • Functools Library
    • Quiz: functools
    • Collections Library
    • Quiz: collections
    • Pickle Library
    • Quiz: pickle
    • Introduction to Programming Paradigms
    • Quiz: Programming Paradigms
    • Introdunction to Functional programming
    • Quiz: Introduction
    • Pure Functions
    • Quiz: Pure Functions
    • Recursion
    • Higher order Functions
    • Quiz: Higher Order Functions
    • Decorators
    • Quiz: Decorators
    • Lazy Evaluation
    • Quiz: Lazy Evaluation
    • Use Cases and Limitations of functional programming
    • Quiz: Use cases and Limitations
  • 20
    Week 17 - Advance Python & Software Engineering
    • Key Features of Object Oriented Programming
    • Quiz: Why learn OOP
    • Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
    • Quiz: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
    • Classes and Objects
    • Quiz: Classes and Objects
    • Attributes and Types of Attributes
    • Quiz: Attributes
    • Methods and its Types
    • Quiz: Methods
    • Special Methods
    • Intuition and Introduction
    • Use cases of Inheritance
    • Quiz: Use cases of Inheritance
    • Types - Single and Multilevel Inheritance
    • Quiz: Types - Single and Multilevel
    • Types - Multiple and Hierarchical Inheritance
    • Quiz: Types - Multiple and Hierarchical
    • Introduction to Shell Commands
    • File Exploration
    • File Exploration
    • File Operations
    • File Operations
    • Running a Python File
    • Basic Shell Script Programming
    • Introduction to Gitub for Version Control
    • Quiz: Intro to version Control
    • Setting up for Github
    • Important Commands and Terminologies
    • Quiz: Important Commands and Terminologies
    • Use cases for Github
    • Quiz: Usecases for Github
    • Introduction to DataBases
    • Local Installation SQL on Linux
    • Local Installation SQL on Mac
    • Local Installation SQL on Windows
    • Connecting Python to SQL DataBases
    • Installation for MongoDB
    • Steps for MongoDB installation on Windows
    • Connecting Python to MongoDB DataBases
  • 21
    Week 18 - AWS
    • Course Overview
    • Prerequisites
    • Disclaimer
    • Course Handouts
    • Introduction to Cloud Computing
    • Key Concepts
    • Deployment Models
    • Quiz: Cloud Deployment Models
    • Service Models
    • Quiz: Service Models
    • Benefits of using AWS
    • How to create an account on AWS?
    • Learning Path FREE PREVIEW
    • Factors to Consider Before Launch
    • Regions & Availability Zones
    • Edge Points
    • Quiz: AWS Global Infrastructure
    • What is Amazon EC2?
    • Instance Types
    • Pricing Strategies
    • AWS Pricing Calculator
    • Launch Your First EC2 Instance on AWS
    • Install Jupyter Notebook on Your EC2 Instance
    • Quiz: EC2
    • Amazon Machine Images
    • How to Create AMIs?
    • Compute Services in AWS
    • Quiz: Compute Services in AWS
    • Basic Concepts of Networking Part 1
    • Basic Concepts of Networking Part 2
    • Quiz: Networking
    • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    • How to Create a VPC? (Part 1)
    • How to Create a VPC? (Part 2)
    • Quiz: VPC
    • Network Access Control Lists (NACL)
    • How to Create NACLs?
    • Security Groups
    • How to Create Security Groups?
    • Quiz: NACL & Security Groups
    • Shared Responsibility Model
    • Identity & Access Management
    • How to Create IAM User Account?
    • Quiz: IAM
    • IAM Policies
    • How to Create IAM Policy?
    • Quiz: IAM Policy
    • IAM Groups
    • How to Create IAM Groups?
    • Security Services: AWS Shield & WAF
    • Security Services: KMS & AWS Inspector
    • Quiz: Security Services
    • Different Types of Storage
    • Quiz: Types of Storage
    • Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
    • How to use EBS on AWS?
    • Quiz: Elastic Block Storage
    • Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
    • How to use EFS on AWS?
    • Quiz: Elastic File System
    • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
    • How to Create S3 Bucket?
    • How to Create S3 Bucket using CLI?
    • Installation Steps: AWS Command Line Interface
    • Bucket Policy
    • S3 Storage Classes
    • Quiz: S3
    • S3 Lifecycle Policies
    • How to define S3 Lifecycle Policy?
    • IAM Roles
    • How to define IAM Roles?
    • Quiz: IAM Roles
  • 22
    Week 19 - AWS
    • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
    • How to launch MySQL using RDS?
    • Connecting to MySQL
    • Quiz: Amazon RDS
    • Amazon Aurora
    • How to launch Amazon Aurora using RDS?
    • Quiz: Amazon Aurora
    • Introduction to DynamoDB
    • How to create a DynamoDB table?
    • DynamoDB using Python
    • Quiz: DynamoDB
    • Use-Cases of DynamoDB
    • What is a Data Warehouse?
    • Quiz: Data Warehouse
    • How Redshift Works?
    • Quiz: Redshift
    • Understanding Columnar Storage
    • Quiz: Columnar Storage
    • How to Create a Redshift Cluster?
    • Query Editor on Redshift
    • How to Load Data from S3 to Redshift?
    • What is Auto Scaling?
    • Project: Auto Scaling (Part 1)
    • Project: Auto Scaling (Part 2)
    • Quiz: Auto Scaling
    • Load Balancing?
    • Project: Load Balancer (Part 1: Configure the Instance)
    • Project: Load Balancer (Part 2: Configure the Load Balancer)
    • Project: Load Balancer (Part 3: Web Application Firewall)
    • Quiz: Load Balancing
    • Learning Path FREE PREVIEW
    • Amazon CloudWatch
    • How to create CloudWatch Dashboards?
    • Setup CloudWatch Alarms
    • Quiz: Cloudwatch
    • Amazon CloudTrail
    • How to use Amazon CloudTrail?
    • How to create custom Trail?
    • Quiz: Cloudtrail
    • AWS Trusted Advisor
    • How to use Trusted Advisor?
    • What is Serverless Computing?
    • How AWS Lambda Works?
    • Creating APIs using Lambda Functions
    • API with Parameters
    • Best Practices with AWS Lambda
    • Quiz: AWS Lambda
    • AWS Pricing Concepts
    • Billing Dashboard
    • AWS Budgets
    • How to Create an AWS Budget?
    • AWS Cost Explorer
    • Challenges Before Migration
    • AWS Cloud Adoption Framework
    • Cloud Migration Strategies
    • Quiz: Migration Strategies
    • AWS Snow Family
    • Quiz: Snow Family
    • AWS - Assignment
  • 23
    Week 20 - Deep Learning
    • What is Deep Learning? FREE PREVIEW
    • Difference b/w Deep Learning and Machine Learning FREE PREVIEW
    • Quiz: Difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning
    • Why Deep Learning is so popular? FREE PREVIEW
    • Quiz: Why Deep learning is so popular?
    • Hardware for Computations in Deep Learning FREE PREVIEW
    • Setting up your system
    • Introduction to Google Colab FREE PREVIEW
    • Understanding Google Colab Interface FREE PREVIEW
    • Pre-requisites for Deep Learning
    • Structure of course FREE PREVIEW
    • Instructor introduction FREE PREVIEW
    • Course Handouts
    • Perceptron FREE PREVIEW
    • Quiz - Perceptron
    • Weights in Perceptron FREE PREVIEW
    • Quiz - Weights in Perceptron
    • Multi Layer Perceptron FREE PREVIEW
    • Quiz - Multi Layer Perceptron
    • Visualizing the neural network FREE PREVIEW
    • Understanding Decision Boundary
    • Forward and Backward Prop Intuition
    • Quiz - Visualizing the neural network
    • Quiz - Forward and Backward Prop Intuition
    • Gradient Descent Algorithm
    • Quiz: Understanding the decision boundary
    • Quiz - Gradient Descent Algorithm
    • Understanding Forward Propagation Mathematically
    • Quiz - Understanding Forward Propagation Mathematically
    • Understanding Backward Propagation Mathematically
    • Backward Propagation: Matrix Form
    • Quiz - Understanding Backward Propagation Mathematically
    • Why Numpy?
    • Quiz: Why Numpy?
    • Neural Network From scratch Using Numpy
    • Quiz: Implementation of Neural Network
    • Forward Propagation (using Numpy)
    • Backward Propagation (using Numpy)
    • Training network (using Numpy)
    • Why do we need activation functions?
    • Linear Activation Function
    • Quiz - Why do need activation functions
    • Quiz - Linear Activation Function
    • Sigmoid and tanh
    • Quiz - Sigmoid and tanh
    • Quiz - ReLU and LeakyReLU
    • ReLU and Leaky ReLU
    • Quiz - Softmax
    • Tips to selecting right Activation Function
    • Softmax
    • Variants of Gradient Descent
    • Quiz: Tips to selecting right activation function
    • Quiz - Variants of Gradient Descent
    • Problems with Gradient Descent
    • Quiz - Problems with Gradient Descent
    • RMSProp
    • Quiz - RMSProp
    • Adam
    • Quiz: Adam
    • Assignment: Big Mart Sales Prediction
    • Introduction to loss function
    • Introduction to loss function
    • Binary and Categorical Cross entropy / log loss
    • Quiz - Binary and Categorical cross entropy / log loss
    • Overview of Deep Learning Frameworks
    • Quiz - Overview of deep learning frameworks
    • Understanding important Keras modules
    • Quiz: Understanding important Keras Modules
    • Understanding the problem statement: Loan Prediction
    • Data Preprocessing: Loan Prediction
    • Quiz - Data Preprocessing: Loan Prediction
    • Steps to solve Loan Prediction Challenge
    • Loading loan prediction dataset
    • Quiz: Understanding the problem statement : loan prediction
    • Defining the Model Architecture for loan prediction problem
    • Quiz: Defining the model architecture for loan prediction problem
    • Training and Evaluating model on Loan Prediction Challenge
    • Quiz - Training and Evaluating model on Loan Prediction Challenge
  • 24
    Week 21 - Deep Learning
    • Functional API for Deep Learning
    • Quiz - Functional API for Deep Learning
    • Solving Loan Prediction Using Functional API in Keras
    • Building a custom Model Using Functional API in keras
    • Quiz - Building a Model Using Functional API
    • How are images stored?
    • Quiz - How are images stored
    • Different Image Formats
    • Quiz - Different Image formats
    • Reading and stacking Images
    • Quiz: Reading and stacking images
    • Converting images into different formats
    • Quiz - Converting image into different formats
    • Extracting edges from images
    • Quiz - Extracting edges from images
    • Implementation: Extracting edges from images
    • Quiz - Extracting edges implementation
    • Project: Image Classification "Emergency Vs Non-Emergency Vehicle"
    • Notebook: Neural Network in Keras and Hyperparameter Tuning
    • Neural Network in Keras
    • Quiz: Neural network in keras
    • Hyperparameter Tuning for MLP in Keras
    • Quiz: Hyperparameter tuning for MLP in keras
    • Early stopping
    • Early stopping: Implementation
    • Quiz - Early stopping: Implementation
    • Dropout
    • Dropout: Implementation
    • Quiz - Dropout: Implementation
    • Vanishing and Exploding gradients
    • Quiz: Vanishing and exploding gradients
    • Vanishing and Exploding gradients: Implementation
    • Quiz - Vanishing and exploding gradient: Implementation
    • Weights Initialization Techniques
    • Quiz: Weight Initialization techniques
    • Implementing different weight initializing techniques
    • BatchNorm
    • Quiz: Batch Normalization
    • BatchNorm: Implementation
    • Advantages of Batch Normalization
    • Quiz - Advantages of Batch Normalization
    • Image Augmentation Techniques
    • Image Augmentation Techniques: Implementation
    • Quiz: Image Augmentation: Implementation
    • Image Augmentation on Emergency-non emergency dataset
    • Image Generator and Fit Generator
    • Quiz: Image Generator and Fit generator
    • Model Checkpointing
    • Quiz: Model Checkpointing
    • Implementing model checkpointing
    • Assignment: Gender Classification
  • 25
    Week 22 - Overview of Data Engineering & Mastering Apache Spark Using Python
    • Introduction to the Course
    • What is Data Engineering?
    • Demand for Data Engineers
    • Course Handouts
    • Case Study - Year 2014
    • Case Study - Year 2016
    • Case Study - Year 2017
    • Case Study - Year 2021
    • Skillset Required apart from Technical Skills
    • Course Overview
    • Pre-requisites
    • Instructor Introduction
    • Course Handouts
    • What is Big Data?
    • Challenges with Big Data
    • Applications of Big Data
    • Quiz: Big Data
    • Distributed Systems
    • Quiz: Distributed Systems
    • Introduction to Apache Hadoop
    • Components of Apache Hadoop
    • Hadoop Ecosystem
    • Quiz: Introduction to Hadoop
    • What is Spark?
    • Spark Ecosystem
    • Quiz: Introduction to Apache Spark
    • Spark Architecture
    • Quiz: Spark Architechture
    • Spark Cluster Managers
    • Running Spark Applications on YARN
    • Spark Context and Spark Sesssion
    • Quiz: Spark Cluster Managers
    • Itversity Credentials
    • Introduction to Itversity
    • Uploading data to Itversity
    • HDFS common commands
    • What Are RDDs?
    • How to create RDDs?
    • Implementation: How to create RDDs?
    • RDD Operations
    • Implementation: RDD Operations(Part 1)
    • Implementation: RDD Operations(Part 2)
    • Quiz: RDD
    • Pair RDDs
    • Pair RDD Operations
    • Implementation: Pair RDD Operations
    • Implementation: GroupByKey Vs ReduceByKey
    • Quiz: Pair RDD
    • Caching and Persistence in Spark
    • Implementation: Persistence
    • Storage Levels in Spark
    • Implementation: Storage Levels
    • Quiz: Caching & Persistence
    • Assignment: RDD Operations
  • 26
    Week 23 - Overview of Data Engineering & Mastering Apache Spark Using Python
    • What are Spark DataFrames?
    • Implementation: Creating Spark DataFrames
    • Implementation: Basic Operations on DataFrames
    • Implementation: Creating Columns in DataFrames
    • Implementation: Manipulating Records in DataFrames
    • RDDs Vs DataFrames - When to use?
    • Quiz: DataFrames in Spark
    • Assignment: Spark DataFrames
    • Jobs, Stages and Tasks
    • Implementation: Jobs, Stages and Tasks
    • Lineage
    • Implementation: Lineage
    • DAG
    • Implementation: DAG
    • Quiz: Spark Execution
    • Shared Variables
    • Implementation: Shared Variables
    • Shuffling
    • Partitioning
    • Coalesce vs Repartition
    • Implementation: Coalesce vs Repartition
    • Quiz: Advance Programming in Spark
    • What is Spark SQL?
    • Catalyst Optimizer
    • Spark SQL Queries
    • Implementation: Spark SQL Queries
    • Why do we need Spark SQL?
    • Quiz: Spark SQL
    • Assignment: Spark SQL
    • Scope of ML in this Course
    • Introduction to Machine Learning
    • Types of Machine Learning Problems
    • Machine Learning in Spark
    • Life Cycle of a ML Project
    • Quiz: Machine Learning in Spark
    • Understanding the Problem Statement
    • Implementation: Introduction to the Data
    • Implementation: Univariate Analysis
    • Implementation: Bivariate Analysis
    • Quiz: Analysis using Spark
    • Encoding Categorical Variables
    • Implementation: Preprocessing Data
    • Quiz: Preprocessing data using spark ML
    • Vector Assembler
    • Implementation: Model Building
    • Quiz: Model Building
    • Model Improvement
    • Implementation: Fine Tuning ML Models
    • Quiz: Fine Tune ML Models
    • Understanding ML Pipelines in Spark
    • Implementation: Sample Pipelines in Spark
    • Implementation: ML Pipeline for Click Prediction
    • Quiz: ML Pipelines
    • Assignment: Spark ML
  • 27
    Week 24 - Model Deployment
    • Introduction to Model Deployment
    • Overview of the Course
    • Projects covered in the Course
    • Model Deployment tools covered in the Course
    • Instructors of the Course
    • Course Handouts
    • Advance Python, Basics of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
    • Introduction to git
    • Introduction to Linux Commands
    • Setting up your machine
    • Outline of the Module
    • Quiz: Outline of the Module
    • Understanding the problem statement
    • Steps to build the Loan Eligibility Application
    • Quiz: Steps to build the Loan Eligibility Application
    • Frontend of the Loan Eligibility App
    • Quiz: Frontend of the Loan Eligibility application
    • Deploying rule based model using streamlit
    • Exercise: Deploying rule based model using Streamlit
    • Deploying machine learning model using streamlit
    • Exercise: Deploying machine learning model using Streamlit
    • Summarizing the module
    • Build a Big Mart Sales Prediction Application
    • Introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    • Quiz: Introduction to Amazon Web Services
    • Spinning up an AWS server
    • Quiz: Spinning up an AWS server
    • Deploying ML model using Streamlit and AWS
    • Quiz: Deploying ML model using Streamlit and AWS:-
    • Overview of the module
    • Building an Image Classification model
    • Exercise: Building an Image Classification model
    • Deploying Image Classification model using Streamlit and AWS (Part I)
    • Deploying Image Classification model using Streamlit and AWS (Part II)
    • Quiz: Deploying Image Classification model using Streamlit and AWS
    • Understanding Text Generation Project
    • Create front-end of the Project
    • Create front-end of the Project - Implementation
    • Quiz: Create front-end of the Project
    • Building a Text Generation model
    • Exercise: Building a Text Generation model
    • Deploying Text Generation model using Streamlit
    • Quiz: Deploying Text Generation model using Streamlit
    • Deploying Text Generation model using Streamlit on AWS
    • Setting up an accessible website
    • Outline of the module
    • Introduction to Amazon Sagemaker
    • Quiz: Introduction to Amazon SageMaker
    • Understanding the problem statement: Cardiac Arrest Predictor
    • Quiz: Understanding the Problem Statement: Cardiac Arrest Predictor
    • Setting up Amazon SageMaker
    • Building a Machine Learning model on Amazon Sagemaker
    • Exercise: Building a machine learning model on sagemaker
    • Deploying the Machine Learning model using Amazon Sagemaker
    • Using SageMaker Endpoint to generate Inferences
    • Build and Deploy Big Mart Sales Prediction model on Amazon SageMaker
    • Introduction to Flask for Model Deployment
    • Deep dive into APIs
    • Quiz: Deep dive into APIs
    • Understanding the Problem Statement
    • Building an ML model for Cardiac Arrest Prediction
    • Exercise: Building an ML model for Cardiac Arrest Prediction
    • Deploying ML model using Flask
    • Understand the Project - Transcript Generation
    • Building a DL model for Transcript Generation
    • Deploying Transcript Generation model using Flask
    • Exercise: Deploying Transcript Generation model using Flask
    • Summary and Where to go from here
  • 28
    • Articles Link